Module 4: Learning Communities – Cooperative Learning
Introduction to Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Leaning Introduction (4.1.0) (slides)
Dr. Campa reviews the learning goals and activities for this module. Additionally, Doctoral student LeighAnn Tomaswick discusses “What is cooperative learning and what does it look like?” In this presentation, LeighAnn gives examples of how she implements cooperative learning in her courses.
Discussion: Refer to the classroom examples at the end of the video: Introduction to Cooperative Learning. Do you see learning happening in these group interactions? What could an instructor do to promote positive group interaction in the learning environment? Post in the discussion below.
What is Cooperative Learning?
What is Cooperative Learning? (4.2.1) (slides)
Three primary topics pertaining to cooperative learning are discussed in this video, “What is it?, Why do it?, Way to implement and evaluate it?” In this discussion, five key principles of cooperative learning are also described with reference to an excellent reference by Johnson et al. (2006).
Why Use Cooperative Learning? (4.2.2) (slides)
Dr. Campa discusses four key points of why instructors should consider using cooperative learning to enhance learning course content as well as help prepare graduate students for future academic and non-academic careers.
Discussion: What seems challenging about using Cooperative Learning and how might you address those challenges? Post in the discussion below.
Advice for Incorporating Cooperative Learning
Advice for Incorporating Cooperative Learning: Luanna Prevost (4.3.1)
Dr. Luanna Prevost (Assistant Professor) discusses why and how she uses cooperative learning to enhance student learning in her classrooms, especially in groups. Specifically, she appreciates/likes how students are able to bring their background knowledge and experiences into the classroom to enhance learning for all. Examples are provided for biology classrooms.
Advice for Incorporating Cooperative Learning: Mark Urban-Lurain (4.3.2)
Dr. Urban-Lurain (Associate Professor) discusses why it is advantageous to use cooperative learning in a college or university classroom. He describes an application of how he and a colleague used cooperative learning (i.e., students worked with partners) in a large enrollment computer science course. During this presentation, Dr. Urban-Lurain stresses the importance of establishing a “culture” for cooperative learning in your classroom and how to do this.
Advice for Incorporating Cooperative Learning: Hovig Kouyoumjian (4.3.3)
Hovig Kouyoumjian discusses the applications of using formal and informal cooperative learning in small and large classes. Additionally, he describes how cooperative learning activities can be incorporated into the structure of a class.
Advice for Incorporating Cooperative Learning: Kelly Millenbah (4.3.4)
Dr. Millenbah discusses why she uses cooperative learning including its value in facilitating group and individual accountability in learning course content. Dr. Millenbah also describes the cooperative learning pedagogy of “think-pair-share” and how it can be used to help engage students with course content and controversies (e.g., managing threatened and endangered species). For those unfamiliar with cooperative learning techniques, Dr. Millenbah encourages instructors to “start small” and not to be afraid of trying things in your classroom.
Incorporating Cooperative Learning in your Classroom
Incorporating Cooperative Learning in your Classroom: Informal Groups (4.4.1) (slides)
Depending on an instructor’s objectives they could use “informal”, “formal” or “base groups”. In this video, Dr. Campa describes the utility and planning needed to use various types of informal cooperative learning group activities. Additionally, he offers recommendations for implementing some of these activities.
Discussion: What is a learning objective and an Informal Group Cooperative Learning assignment (to support that objective) that you could use in your own discipline? Don’t forget about Bloom’s taxonomy. Post in the discussion below.
Incorporating Cooperative Learning in your Classroom: Formal Groups (4.4.2) (slides)
Dr. Campa discusses examples of how cooperative learning formal groups can be used in STEM classrooms and their characteristics. The use of “academic controversies” is discussed as one example of using formal groups.
Discussion: What is a learning objective and a Formal Group Cooperative Learning assignment (to support that objective) that you could use in your own discipline? Don’t forget about Bloom’s taxonomy. Post in the discussion below.
Incorporating Cooperative Learning in your Classroom: Base Groups (4.4.3) (slides)
Dr. Campa discusses some of the goals instructors may have for using cooperative learning base groups in a class and their characteristics. Additionally, he talks about how base groups could be formed based on an instructor’s teaching and learning objectives for an assignment. Base groups need to be monitored periodically by the instructor. Cooperative learning references are also provided.
Refer to the example classrooms at the end of the video: Base Groups. For each classroom respond to the following questions and post in the discussion below:
1) What aspects of this classroom would support cooperative learning?
2) What aspects would make cooperative learning challenging?
3) How might you structure a cooperative learning activity in this space?
Example Base Group Activity in Ecology (4.4.4) (slides)
Dr. Campa describes an example of a cooperative learning activity that requires “base groups”. The example pertains to the management of upland ecosystems. As a semester long base group assignment, it requires the instructor to “scaffold” the assignment into components to help enable students finish the assignment by the end of a semester (i.e., and avoid procrastinating).
How to use Cooperative Learning Successfully
How to use Cooperative Learning Successfully (4.5.1) (slides)
Dr. Campa discusses the characteristics of groups working cooperatively vs those not working cooperatively and offers suggestions for how to create high performing cooperative groups. Effective cooperative learning groups require management by the instructor.